Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Crown of Thorns...

Finally, this year, the kids and I baked a crown of thorns made of flour, salt, cinnamon and water!  I thoroughly enjoyed this Lenten project, and I am looking forward to its unfolding throughout the next less-than-forty days left of this Lenten season.  The girls have already pulled out few thorns (toothpicks) from the crown every time they did something thoughtful, kind or generous.  I am glad they have taken control of the project rather than my handling it.  What are some of my thorns I need to pull out, I begin to wonder, and the first thing that comes to my mind is the over-reacting Mommy yelling at her kids to do something for the second, third, fourth,...an umpteenth time!  Ouch!  Those are my thorns I need to work on this Lenten season so that I can be transformed into a new, better-adjusted Mommy for the sake of my family.  So, wish me luck...that I may be able to pull out a few of my thorns this time.  Perhaps, then, I can truly celebrate Easter, the risen Christ among us, as a new, enlightened and transformed Mommy.

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